5 Reasons Why an AI-Generated Resume Will Not Garner You the Results that You Want

Many professionals are utilizing AI to write or enhance their resumes, and it does not always have the desired results. I outlined five reasons why creating an AI-generated resume will not get you the results, so you should be careful.

But first, let me preface by saying that I don’t hate AI nor am I afraid to use it. AI is a great tool, that when applied properly, can be useful, beneficial, and helpful. Unfortunately, I think that like all tools, it can also be misused. And when that happens, it misses the mark on the results that we were aiming for.

Reason #1: Too Vague & Generic

The very first reason is the biggest one of all. A resume written by ChatGPT- or any AI tool for that matter- is too generic. The best resumes that stand out to recruiters and hiring managers are the ones that speak to the role, your achievements, and your accomplishments. They also demonstrate why you can impact that specific role for the organization. In other words, can you save the organization money? Help them increase their revenue? Positively impact their social media or marketing efforts to improve their ROI. Whatever role and industry you are in, crafting your accomplishments and achievements to include any metrics to convey your point is important. The market is now too competitive to state that you did something successfully without demonstrating your results. Unfortunately, an AI tool like ChatGPT cannot do that.

Reason #2: No Keyword Optimization Strategy

Not having a keyword optimization strategy can leave your resume trapped when it comes to ATS. Let us look at it like this: You are marketing yourself for a particular role when you apply for a resume. If you do not have a keyword optimization strategy, then hiring managers do not think that you are selling what they want to buy. It will look like you are selling a generic resume, which does not help you stand out because it is too generic and does not resonate with the role- or the ATS. None of this is to say that you want an overly keyword-driven resume- you do not. You want and need a resume that makes sense and helps set you apart as the best possible candidate.

Reason #3: Lack of Creativity, Personality, and Passion  

I enjoy using ChatGPT for some tasks but as a tool, it is important to know when/ where/ how it can be used because it does not have a lot of creativity and personality. There are so many job applicants that they could all start to sound and look the same after a while, so a hiring manager needs to get a sense of who you are. You can truly stand out by showcasing your brand. This is why your creativity and personality are important. Hiring managers are not looking solely for a candidate who is qualified for the role but someone who is also a good cultural fit. It is difficult to get a good sense of who a person is when their resume lacks creativity and personality.

Reason #4: Plagiarism Will Damage Your Professional Reputation

It is up to you to know what writing prompt you want to use. However, you do not control whatever content it generates. It is important to remember that ChatGPT uses pre-existing data and there is a very large possibility that the content will be the same as something else that is found online. Recruiters and hiring managers do check applications for plagiarism. If it is found, it will only harm your candidacy and discredit you.

Reason #5: AI Does Not Understand Industry-Specific Language

Every industry has its jargon and language. While you do not want your resume loaded with industry jargon, each sector has its own way of saying things. And the way those things are said can be a part of a good keyword optimization strategy, something AI cannot do. Utilizing the correct language and terminology can help to demonstrate your knowledge and expertise in a particular area. Industry-specific terms may not be used in your resume when utilizing an AI platform. Or, incorrect ones may be employed, which would be worse and may you look like a less qualified, knowledgeable, and credible candidate.

I realize the temptation to use AI for your resume. However, while your resume isn’t a legal document there are ethics around using certain types of writing, employing certain types of tools, and misrepresenting a client. My suggestion is to keep a folder of your brags throughout your roles, copies of your annual reviews, and any metrics that could be beneficial to utilize for your career materials. If you are having trouble writing about yourself or understanding how to create and establish a keyword optimization strategy, then I would urge you to speak with a professional.

If any of this sounds like you and you need assistance, please feel free to schedule a Career Coaching Strategy Session to create a game plan that works for your job search & career!