Build Your Tribe and Gain Clients Through Fun & Interactive Quizzes

We all love those quizzes that tell us about our personality types, how hard we hustle, or which profession you should choose.

How about the Buzzfeed quiz that tells you to grade yourself in a bunch of subjects and it tells what GPA you will graduate with? Or the one that lets you buy stuff for your dorm room and it tells you which job you choose after college? Or one of my favorites… plan your dream life and it reveals which bad ass woman from history you are?

If you’re not nodding in agreement by now…. I’m not so sure I believe you! These are so much fun and a great way to build connections and engagement.

Quizzes such as these are an amazing tool for your business to connect with potential clients and fans. It is so much fun to learn about yourself, even if it is in a humorous way.

One of the best part of these quizzes? They can be designed to fit your audience and your business niche. Here’s how you can do that based on your brand in coaching and consulting using Interact.

Giving Your Audience What They Want to Know

In the coaching and consulting industry, it is important not to begin teaching people about themselves before they are ready to hear it. If you tell them too soon, they probably will not listen to you. Or they may try it themselves and it will likely backfire.

With Interact, your audience can learn more about themselves, what they should do, and how they do it. These quizzes provide an opportunity not only to engage with potential clients and fans but to show them what they should do and how they should do it based on their own responses.
If you are a coach and consultant, particularly one in the Career and Leadership fields like I am, your main go-to is ensuring employment for your clients. Whether that’s just in the form of a resume, personal branding, LinkedIn, or a coaching program- your clients want to know that you know can guide them towards securing employment and advancement.

So, what can you tie into what your audience wants to know about themselves or learn about? Remember, you can’t teach people too much before they are ready. It’s best to teach them about your services and how your business solves their problems. For example, I would want to know about the services that are offered and how they differ from those of other coaches and consultants. Such as:

  •  Career Coaching
  • Leadership Coaching
  • Resume Writing
  •  Personal Branding
  • HR Consulting
  •  Management Consulting

Connect with Your Audience

How do these services connect with your employees on a personal level? Affect them? Impact their lives?
Interact has easy to use and edit templates, which are adaptable to you and your business. There are quizzes that are based on personality or branding and further break off from there into a scored quiz, assessment, or personality. These provide opportunities for your audience to learn about themselves, the value of your services, and how it impacts them.

After you have selected your type, you can easily select a template and add your branding information, such as your logo.
The most difficult and time-consuming part of creating the quiz is writing the questions and answers. They must excite and intrigue your audience to engage with the quiz.

Show Them the Services They Want and Need

This can be done through the quiz results, which are also customizable. Interact allows its users to map out which responses correspond to which result. This also helps to build your tribe. Interact allows users to enter their email address to receive their results.
By doing so it also allows you to collect their email addresses. Interact also integrates with whatever email platform you use. This allows you to set up specific funnels and triggers based on results.

So, if you want to market to leads for career coaching then once you have those email addresses, you can set up funnels and send automatic emails with calls-to-action for to schedule for that service.
One of the most important parts is to keep the quizzes fun and engaging.

Shareable + Fun= Success

To create a successful quiz, it should be something fun and easy to share.
Interact is the solution to create, customize, and share your own quiz. They are easy to share on social media and you can use them to create ads on different platforms, such as Instagram and Facebook. Quizzes can be embedded on your site, added to your newsletter, a blog, or used as social media content. The idea is to get more people to take your quiz to broaden your reach or audience.

Get started with yours today by clicking here!