How To Achieve Your New Year’s Goals — And Change Your Life

Do you make resolutions every New Year? How many of them do you actually keep? How many of them have actually resulted in a successful outcome? Probably not very many. Each new year we tell ourselves that by forming resolutions we will meet our goal. By the second week of February, approximately 80% of resolutions have already failed.

Why? Because it’s a failed strategy.

Why Do Resolutions Fail So Often?

Resolutions put you into a restrictive mindset. Let’s say you want to lose weight. It’s much more difficult to do so by limiting everything you eat or cutting out specific foods (unless your doctor tells you your life depends on it..then, by all means, follow their orders!) because it requires a new way of living and thinking. This means that you need to start by changing your thoughts, habits, and undoing all of the things that got you to where you are in the first place. You’re not going to get there by small efforts- it will take big ones with the proper support and training.

The same goes for your career. Getting a new job or changing careers is by its nature, uncomfortable. So, how are you going to do this through small efforts and staying inside your comfort zone? It’s impossible and this is why so many resolutions fail- because they don’t outline a clear path to the outcome or goal.

Set Goals Instead- And How To Achieve Them To Become A Best Version of Yourself

Resolutions also tend to be overly broad and non-specific, whereas, goals are specific, achievable, and actionable.

Get clear on what you want and how it is achievable. Do you want to make more money this year? That leaves two or three avenues: asking for a raise, finding a new position that pays you more appropriately or starting a side biz. Once you decide, then break it down into smaller, actionable goals. Do you need to learn how to negotiate? Do you need to update your resume and other career documents? Are you not so great at interviewing? Do you need a career coach to help position you for the job you’ve been wanting? Getting as specific as you can help you outline what it will take to achieve your overall goal. When there is no method to achieving your goal, it is very easy to lose focus, get lost, and not accomplish your goal. This is why New Year’s Resolutions are a waste of time and don’t work. The same is true for selecting words and themes for a new year.

While this process can sound very logical it also can take you outside of your comfort zone. This is another reason why most people don’t ever meet their goals. It is very easy to get discouraged if fear gets in the way. Even by working with a coach, any professional worth their salt won’t just tell you what you want to hear. By doing so, they are keeping you inside your comfort zone, not challenging your thoughts, or letting you grow and become the best version of yourself. So, if you’re trying to meet a big goal this new year find one has achieved what you want and has the testimonials to back up their claims. Finding the right position can change your career trajectory and your earnings — and your life. Remember, you can achieve anything you put your mind to and your coach is your partner in success!

Trying to find your dream career? Sign up to watch Valerie’s webinar to learn more! Ready to learn more about how she can help your career? Then click book a call to speak with her by clicking here.

Please Note: These calls have been known to be highly powerful and have the ability to help YOU achieve the results you’ve been seeking by creating an action plan for you and your career that WORKS and ensuring that you achieve clarity!