How To Prevent COVID-19 From Devastating Your Career Goals

Are you worried about your job in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis? You are not alone. To date, there has been a record-breaking 3.3M unemployment claims filed, with more expected to be on the way. As I discussed last week on my Facebook Live, one of the most important things now (besides social distancing, hand washing, and staying healthy!) is to keep your fear in check. However, once you’ve done that what happens next?

Aside from the strategic things that need to be done, this process is about creating a bullet-proof mindset to fight off the negativity. You will hear plenty of people say that there are not any job openings, no one is hiring, or that you won’t find anything then you need to think twice. There are plenty of companies hiring now! And if you don’t see one that you want right now, then it is still the perfect time to get yourself ready and take active steps. Waiting until the economy “is better” or this is over could be too late because you could be getting yourself in front of recruiters right now.

What is stopping you from taking action?

So, if you have been impacted by this pandemic and have been laid off, have you filed for your unemployment benefits yet? I know many states have been backed up and their online systems have been going down….but be sure to get this done so you can keep moving forward!

Next, love on yourself. Remember, this isn’t and wasn’t your fault and you are not alone. Forgive yourself on do take a little bit of time to decompress and allow yourself to feel something. The key is not to get stuck here!

Next, it is about getting into action. What kind of job are you searching for? Are you staying in the same industry or will you be seeking a career in a new one? Decide what it is that you want to do.

Stay in action. Some of you may not have searched for a job in a long time, some of you may have. It doesn’t matter because either way you need to be sure you have all your necessary documents and profiles updated. This is crucial because using anything outdated will lead to lost opportunities.

Now you are in an active job search- be sure to consider what I discussed last week, which was not letting your fear win. Once that happens it will become very easy to self-sabotage your job search and your career. Take care of your mindset and your health.

It is also important to remember the differences between furloughs and layoffs:
• A layoff is permanent job loss
• A furlough is temporary, typically an unknown amount of time, without pay and benefits
• In both cases, you are likely eligible for unemployment benefits but with a furlough you are still employed and do not have to prove to your state’s department of labor that you are actively seeking work because you are still employed
• An important point to consider is that if you are furloughed for a long period of time and have no idea if or when you will be going back to work, start an active job search to avoid further financial and career distress.

The time is NOW to take action and get yourself prepared and searching!


Our normal won’t be the same. The job market will also take time to make a full recovery. That doesn’t mean that you have to wait! It requires you to be coachable enough to consider the possibilities, resourceful enough to find them, and committed enough to see your job search and goals through!

Ready to take action on getting on a new role or changing careers? Book your Career Coaching Strategy Session NOW and we will discuss a game plan that has been proven to work and has helped clients land new roles, change careers, AND earn massive salary increases of $15-$60K! Spots are limited!