Is Fear Controlling Your Job Search? How To Stop It Now!

I think that we can all agree that we are living in some crazy, scary times right now. We may not be sure when our #QuarantineLife will be over, but what we can be sure of is how we respond to it.

I am aware of the uneasiness, anxiety, and stress many of you are feeling right now when it comes to how this crisis is going to affect your jobs and your careers. However, fear itself can be like a virus It is contagious. You may hear people talking about being infected by fear – yes, we can sense it, we can feel it, and smell it according to some studies.

It is important to remember that fear is a survival mechanism and while it is okay to feel fear- it is not okay to let fear be the driver and to be what motivates you, your decisions, and dictates your emotional state.

It might feel good and like you are making the right decision to do the safe thing and stay inside your comfort zone. However, that is oftentimes counterproductive and can harm you from reaching your goals. By allowing fear to be in control, it will rob you of your joy, steal your gratitude, happiness, and inner peace. It will ruin your mood and suck you into constant negativity.

That doesn’t make it any easier to find a new role, does it? (You know the answer!)

By allowing fear to win, it will also rob you of your ability to make good, judicious decisions because you will be unable to focus.

Not to mention that your immune system functions better without fear! Fear puts your body into overdrive by causing stress, anxiety, and panic.

I cannot deny that we are living in constantly changing times but what IS important is how you choose to respond to what is happening. Laid off? Were you already looking for a new role amid the COVID-19 crisis and now you’re worried you’ll never find anything? Test your own mindset and beliefs. The demand for healthcare, online learning companies, remote and online meeting/ communications companies, and e-commerce are just a few industries who are actively hiring. There is no shame in changing industries and pivoting your career, if needed. This is an excellent time to do so…why wait?

Instead of being wrapped in fear while being at home, take this time to consider what will bring you joy in your career instead. Think about your skills and your strengths and how those could apply to a potential role. How would you like to contribute to society? What problems would you like to solve? What would make you proud at the end of the day?

Please also remember that challenges are a part of life. They help us grow as a person and grow in our careers. If the markets crash, they will eventually recover. As will you! My advice is that the time is now- move away from fear, get centered with your purpose, and begin by taking active steps today to get started. You can do so by clicking below and signing up to watch our free masterclass to learn more about the process that has worked for clients.

Ready to take action on getting on a new role or changing careers? Book your Career Coaching Strategy Session NOW and we will discuss a game plan that has been proven to work and has helped clients land new roles, change careers, AND earn massive salary increases of $15-$60K! Spots are limited!